Air India now requires passengers to pre-book meals, adds halal certified option

- A Monitor Report Date: 01 December, 2024

Delhi : Tata-owned Air India has introduced new regulations for its in-flight meal services. The airline now requires all passengers to pre-book their meals before boarding. Also, halal-certified meals will now be exclusively available to Muslim passengers.

The moves are part of Air India's restructuring efforts following the merger with Vistara, aimed at streamlining operations and improving catering efficiency.

Air India further specified, Muslim passengers who request the 'Muslim Meal' (MOML) option during pre-booking will get meals with a halal certificate to assure authenticity.

On the other hand, general meal options will not have halal certification unless they are designated as MOML.

Air India's internal circular outlined that MOML-designated meals will be categorised under special meals, ensuring that halal-certified meals are offered only to passengers who pre-book this option.


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